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▧ Filters notes

Video filters

Both VideoConverter and VideoThumbGenerator services allows setting up video filters through the ->withVideoFilter(VideoFilterInterface $videoFilter) method.

What are video filters used for ?

We try to keep close to what ffmpeg does. In ffmpeg filters accomplish tasks as different as cropping, scaling, identifying (interlace, black detection), denoising, parts selection, colouring, generators...

The complete list of ffmpeg filters can be found here

Mediatools provide some common filters implementations but it's very easy to create your own, see last section.

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Filter;

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())
        new Filter\VideoFilterChain([
            // A scaling filter
            new Filter\ScaleFilter(800, 600),
            // A denoise filter
            new Filter\Hqdn3DVideoFilter(),
            // A custom filter
            new class implements Filter\Type\FFMpegVideoFilterInterface {
                public function getFFmpegCLIValue(): string {
                    return 'frei0r=vertigo:0.2';

Built-in filters

Filter Type Argument(s) Link(s)
ScaleFilter Dimension $width, height, ?aspect_ratio_mode... src
CropFilter ?width, ?height, ?$x, ? src
YadifVideoFilter Deinterlace ?mode, ?parity, ?$deint src
Hqdn3DVideoFilter Denoise src
NlmeansVideoFilter Denoise (slow) src

Chaining filters


To apply multiple filters, use the VideoFilterChain object. Filters will be processed in the order they've been added.

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Filter;

// from the constructor
$filters = new Filter\VideoFilterChain([    
    new Filter\YadifVideoFilter(),
    new Filter\Hqdn3DVideoFilter() 

// Alternatively, use ->addFilter method
$filters->addFilter(new Filter\NlmeansVideoFilter());

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())

// ....
Filter graph support ?

FFMpeg support a complex notation for advanced filter chaining named filtergraph.

The VideoFilterChain does not support this notation to keep the surface API as intuitive as possible. If you need to use the filtergraph notation, you'll need to create your own filter:

$myComplexFilter = new class interface FFMpegVideoFilterInterface {
   public function getFFmpegCLIValue(): string
        return '[in]yadif=0:0:0[middle];[middle]scale=iw/2:-1[out]';

We ❤ contributions, if you have nice ideas about how to support filtergraph, make your voice loud in this issue

Custom filter

Making your own filter is easy, you just have to implement FFMpegVideoFilterInterface:

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Filter\Type\FFMpegVideoFilterInterface;

$vertigoFilter = new class implements FFMpegVideoFilterInterface {
    public function getFFmpegCLIValue(): string
        return 'frei0r=vertigo:0.2';

And voilà !