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✔ VideoConverter

The VideoConverter service acts as a wrapper over ffmpeg and helps with video conversions, clipping, filters, scaling...

It exposes an immutable api for conversion parameters and attempt to make debugging easier with clean exceptions. You can also inject any psr-3 compatible logger if you don't want to log issues by yourself.

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Config\FFMpegConfig;
use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Exception\ConverterExceptionInterface;
use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\{VideoConverter, VideoConvertParams};

$converter = new VideoConverter(new FFMpegConfig('/path/to/ffmpeg'));

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())

try {
} catch(ConverterExceptionInterface $e) {
    // See chapter about exception !!!


You'll need to have ffmpeg installed on your system.


The VideoConverter requires an FFMpegConfig object as first parameter. This is where you set the location of the ffmpeg binary, the number of threads you allow for conversions and the various timeouts if needed. The second parameter can be used to inject any psr-3 compatible logger.

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Config\{FFMpegConfig, FFMpegConfigInterface};
use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\VideoConverter;

$converter = new VideoConverter(
    // @param FFMpegConfigInterface
    new FFMpegConfig(
        // (?string) - path to ffmpeg binary (default: ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe)
        $binary = null,
        // (?int)    - ffmpeg default threads (null: single-thread)
        $threads = null,
        // (?float)  - max time in seconds for ffmpeg process (null: disable)
        $timeout = null,
        // (?float)  - max idle time in seconds for ffmpeg process
        $idleTimeout = null,
        // (array)   - additional environment variables
        $env = []
    // @param ?\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface - Default to `\Psr\Log\NullLogger`.
    $logger = null
Tip: initialize in a container (psr-11)

It's a good idea to register services in a container. Depending on available framework integrations, you may have a look to the VideoConverterFactory and/or FFMpegConfigFactory to get an example based on a psr-11 compatible container. See also the provided default configuration file.



Typically you'll use the VideoConverter::convert() method in which you specify the input/output files as well as the conversion params.

     // Output file will be automatically 'shell' escaped,
    (new VideoConvertParams())->withVideoCodec('libx264')

The convert() method will automatically set the process timeouts, logger... as specified during service initialization.

What if I need more control over the process ? (advanced usage)

You can use the VideoConverter::getSymfonyProcess(string $inputFile, string $outputFile, VideoConvertParamsInterface $convertParams, ?ProcessParamsInterface $processParams = null): Process to get more control on the conversion process.

$process = $conversionService->getSymfonyProcess(
      (new VideoConvertParams())->withVideoCodec('libx264')


foreach ($process as $type => $data) {
    if ($process::OUT === $type) {
        echo "\nRead from stdout: ".$data;
    } else { // $process::ERR === $type
        echo "\nRead from stderr: ".$data;
Have a look to the symfony/process documentation for more recipes.


The Video\VideoConvertParams exposes an immutable api that attempt to mimic ffmpeg params.

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\VideoConvertParams;

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())
Immutable api, what does it change for me ? (vs fluent)

VideoConvertParams exposes an immutable style api (->withXXX(), like PSR-7 for example). It means that the original object is never touched, the withXXX() methods will return a newly created object.

Please be aware of it especially if you're used to fluent interfaces as both expose chainable methods... your primary reflexes might cause pain:

$params = (new VideoConvertParams());

$newParams = $params->withVideoCodec('libx264');

// $params used here are empty (incorrect usage)
$converter->convert('', 'output', $params);

// $newParams have been initialized with video codec (correct)
$converter->convert('', 'output', $newParams);

Here's a list of categorized built-in methods you can use. See the ffmpeg doc for more information.

  • Video options:
Method FFmpeg arg(s) Example(s) Note(s)
withVideoCodec(string) -c:v ◌ libx264… any supported ffmpeg codec
withVideoBitrate(string) -b:v ◌ 750k,2M… constant bit rate
withVideoMinBitrate(string) -minrate ◌ 750k,2M… min variable bitrate
withVideoMaxBitrate(string) -maxrate ◌ 750k,2M… max variable bitrate
withCrf(int) -crf ◌ 32,… constant rate factor
withStreamable() -movflags +faststart mp4 container only
withPixFmt(string) -pix_fmt ◌ yuv420p Default 'no change'
withQuality(string) -quality ◌ good,medium…
withPreset(string) -preset ◌ fast…
withTune(string) -tune ◌ film…
withVideoQualityScale(int) -qscale:v ◌
withTileColumns(int) -tile-columns ◌ 10… vp9 related
withKeyframeSpacing(int) -g ◌ 240… vp9 related
withFrameParallel(int) -frame-parallel ◌ 2… vp9 related
withLagInFrames(int) -lag-in-frames ◌ 25 vp9, use with autoAltRef
withAutoAltRef(int) -auto-alt-ref ◌ 1 vp9, use with lagInFrames
  • Audio options:
Method FFmpeg arg(s) Example(s) Note(s)
withAudioCodec(string) -c:a ◌ aac,mp3… webm requires vorbis/opus
withAudioBitrate(string) -b:a ◌ 128k…
withNoAudio() -an removes all audio tracks
  • Seeking/clipping options:
Method FFmpeg arg(s) Example(s) Note(s)
withSeekStart(SeekTime) -ss ◌ SeekTime::createFromHms('0:00:01.9')
withSeekEnd(SeekTime) -to ◌ new SeekTime(120.456)
withVideoFrames(int) -frames:v ◌ 1000… Only ◌ frames
  • Filter related:
Method FFmpeg arg(s) Example(s) Note(s)
withFilter(VideoFilterInterface) -filter:v ◌ See doc section about filters
  • General process options:
Method FFmpeg arg(s) Example(s) Note(s)
withSpeed(int) -speed ◌ 1,2,3… for vp9 or multipass
withThreads(int) -threads ◌ 0,1,2… by default uses FFMpegConfig
withOutputFormat(string) -format ◌ mp4,webm… file extension (if not provided)
withOverwrite() -y by default. overwrite if file exists
withNoOverwrite() throw exception if output exists
  • Multipass related
Method FFmpeg arg(s) Example(s) Note(s)
withPassLogFile(string) -passlogfile ◌ Ex: `tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'ffmpeg-log')
withPass(int) -pass ◌ 1 or 2
  • Other methods:
Method Note(s)
withConvertParam(VideoConvertParamInterface) With extra VideoConvertParams (will be merged)
withBuiltInParam(string, mixed) With any supported built-in param, see constants.
withoutParam(string) Without the specified parameter.
getParam(string $param): mixed Return the param calue or throw UnsetParamExeption if not set.
hasParam(string $param): bool Whether the param has been set.
toArray(): array Return the object as array.

To get the latest list of built-ins, see the VideoConvertParamsInterface and FFMpegAdapter sources.


Video filters can be set to the VideoConvertParams through the ->withVideoFilter(VideoFilterInterface $videoFilter) method:

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Filter;

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())
        new Filter\VideoFilterChain([
            // A scaling filter
            new Filter\ScaleFilter(800, 600),
            // A denoise filter
            new Filter\Hqdn3DVideoFilter()

See the complete video filters doc here


All conversion exceptions implements Soluble\MediaTools\VideoException\ConverterExceptionInterface, interface., alternatively you can also :

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\{VideoConverter, VideoConvertParams};
use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Exception as VE;

/** @var VideoConverter $converter */
$params = (new VideoConvertParams())->withVideoCodec('xxx');
try {

    $converter->convert('', 'o.mp4', $params);

// All exception below implements VE\ConverterExceptionInterface

} catch(VE\MissingInputFileException $e) {

    // ' does not exists

    echo $e->getMessage();

} catch (

    // The following 3 exceptions are linked to process
    // failure 'ffmpeg exit code != 0) and implements
    // - `VE\ConversionProcessExceptionInterface`
    //        (* which extends Mediatools\Common\Exception\ProcessExceptionInterface)
    // you can catch all them at once or separately:

    | VE\ProcessSignaledException
    | VE\ProcessTimedOutException $e)

    echo $e->getMessage();

    // Because they implement ProcessExceptionInterface
    // we can get a reference to the executed (symfony) process:

    $process = $e->getProcess();
    echo $process->getExitCode();
    echo $process->getErrorOutput();

} catch(VE\ConverterExceptionInterface $e) {

    // Other exceptions can be
    // - VE\RuntimeException
    // - VE\InvalidParamException (should not happen)



Achieving a good level of compression while preserving quality is not that easy.

Compression techniques will depend on the codec (h264, av1, vp9), the purpose (archive, streaming, vod...) and the size (and fps) of the original content. The mediatools VideoConverter is agnostic and does not offer any help, you'll need to set up your own set of parameters.

There's a lot of ffmpeg recipes on internet that you can easily port, some interesting sources:

Variable or Constant Bitrate ? Or both ?

tl;dr: VBR and CBR can be set together to ensure max quality within a target bitrate (streamability++).

Variable Bitrate

Variable bitrate (VBR) ensure that you’d achieve the lowest possible file size at the highest possible quality under the given constraints.

Use the VideoConvertParams::withBitrate(), withMaxBitrate() and withMinBitrate() methods to set what you want to achieve. But be warned bitrates must not be set blindly, to be effective they must be choosen in respect to video dimensions and fps. See VOD VP9 setting.

Constant Bitrate

The VideoConvertParams::withCrf() will set the Constant Rate Factor (CRF) setting for the x264, x265 and vp9 encoders.

  • h26x: You can set the values between 0 and 51, where lower values would result in better quality, at the expense of higher file sizes. Higher values mean more compression, but at some point you will notice the quality degradation. For x264, sane values are between 18 and 28. The default is 23, so you can use this as a starting point.

  • vpx: The CRF value can be from 0–63. Lower values mean better quality. Recommended values range from 15–35, with 31 being recommended for 1080p HD video

Please also be sure to understand what rate control modes are (you can see here and here and how to choose the one you need.


Conversions are heavy dudes, things that can help:

  • Increasing the FfmpegConfig threads parameter can help for some tasks.
  • Order of parameters can help. i.e: if you need to clip, makes it before applying filters.


Transcode to mp4/x264/aac

See the official H264 doc.

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\{Exception, VideoConvertParams};
use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\VideoConverterInterface;

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())
    ->withStreamable(true)      // Add streamable options (movflags & faststart)
    ->withCrf(24)               // Level of compression: better size / less visual quality
    ->withPreset('fast');       // Optional: see presets

try {

    /** @var VideoConverterInterface $converter */


} catch(Exception\ConverterExceptionInterface $e) {
    // See chapters about exception !!!


Transcode to webm/vp9/opus

See the official ffmpeg VP9 docs and have a look at the google vp9 VOD guidelines

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\{Exception, VideoConvertParams};
use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\VideoConverterInterface;

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())
     * It is recommended to allow up to 240 frames of video between keyframes (8 seconds for 30fps content).
     * Keyframes are video frames which are self-sufficient; they don't rely upon any other frames to render
     * but they tend to be larger than other frame types.
     * For web and mobile playback, generous spacing between keyframes allows the encoder to choose the best
     * placement of keyframes to maximize quality.
    // Most of the current VP9 decoders use tile-based, multi-threaded decoding.
    // In order for the decoders to take advantage of multiple cores,
    // the encoder must set tile-columns and frame-parallel.
    // Optional: Use videoprobe to be sure of color conversions if any needed
    // ->withPixFmt('yuv420p')

try {

    /** @var VideoConverterInterface $converter */


} catch(Exception\ConverterExceptionInterface $e) {
    // see chapter about exceptions

Video scaling

See also ffmpeg doc

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\{Exception, VideoConvertParams, SeekTime};
use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\Filter\ScaleFilter;

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())
                new ScaleFilter(
                    // $width:  as an int or any ffmpeg supported placeholder: iw*0.5, ...
                    // $height:  as an int or any ffmpeg supported placeholder: ih*0.5, ...
                    // $aspect_ratio_mode (increase or decrease)

try {
    /** @var \Soluble\MediaTools\Video\VideoConverterInterface $videoConverter */
} catch(Exception\ConverterExceptionInterface $e) {
    // see chapter about exceptions

Video clipping

See the official ffmpeg docs

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\{Exception, VideoConvertParams, SeekTime};

$params = (new VideoConvertParams())
          ->withSeekStart(new SeekTime(10.242)) // 10 sec, 242 milli
          ->withSeekEnd(SeekTime::createFromHMS('12:52.015')); // 12 mins, 52 secs...

try {
    /** @var \Soluble\MediaTools\Video\VideoConverterInterface $videoConverter */
} catch(Exception\ConverterExceptionInterface $e) {
    // see chapter about exceptions

Multipass encoding

use Soluble\MediaTools\Video\{VideoConvertParams, VideoConvertParamsInterface};
use Soluble\MediaTools\Common\IO\PlatformNullFile;

// Where to store the result of first pass analysis

$logFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'ffmpeg-passlog');

$pass1Params = (new VideoConvertParams())
    // Set the pass number
    // Set the ffmpeg logfile
    // Speed in first pass can be faster
    // Audio does not need to be analyzed
    // Because we will pipe it to /dev/null
    // we need to specify container

// PASS 1 Conversion
        // In first pass we don't need to output the conversion result
        // let's put in /dev/null.
        new PlatformNullFile(),

// Let's init pass 2 params from pass 1
$pass2Params = $pass1Params
    // reinit audio
    // Reset the pass number
    // Speed in second pass must be slower
